
This module contains algorithms related to wall-crossing.

We define the class WCS associated to a lattice with a skew-symmetric form (or to a quiver). This class contains the quantum affine plane where all invariants live and where wall-crossing takes place. It also contains algorithms to jump between various types of invariants:

  1. Stacky, Rational, Integer invariants associated to a stability parameter.

  2. Total invariant (stacky invariant associated to the trivial stability parameter).

  3. Stacky, Rational, Integer invariants associated to the attractor stability.

  4. Invariant counting stable representations of a quiver for a given stability parameter.


sage: from msinvar import *
sage: Q=KroneckerQuiver(2); Q
Kronecker quiver: Quiver with 2 vertices and 2 arrows
sage: Q.prec([2,2]) #fix precision vector
sage: Q.total().dict()
{(0, 0): 1,
(0, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
(0, 2): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
(1, 0): y/(-y^2 + 1),
(1, 1): y^4/(y^4 - 2*y^2 + 1),
(1, 2): y^7/(-y^8 + 2*y^6 - 2*y^2 + 1),
(2, 0): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
(2, 1): y^7/(-y^8 + 2*y^6 - 2*y^2 + 1),
(2, 2): y^12/(y^12 - 2*y^10 - y^8 + 4*y^6 - y^4 - 2*y^2 + 1)}
sage: I=Q.stacky([1,0]); I.dict()
{(0, 0): 1,
 (0, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
 (0, 2): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
 (1, 0): y/(-y^2 + 1),
 (1, 1): (y^2 + 1)/(y^2 - 1),
 (1, 2): y/(-y^2 + 1),
 (2, 0): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
 (2, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
 (2, 2): (y^6 + y^4 + 2*y^2)/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1)}
sage: I1=Q.stk2int(I); I1.dict()
{(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1, (1, 1): (-y^2 - 1)/y, (1, 2): 1, (2, 1): 1}
sage: I=Q.stacky([0,1]); I.dict()
{(0, 0): 1,
 (0, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
 (0, 2): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
 (1, 0): y/(-y^2 + 1),
 (2, 0): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1)}
sage: I1=Q.stk2int(I); I1.dict()
{(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1}
sage: Q.intAtt().dict() #integer attractor invariants
{(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1}
sage: Q.stable([1,0], slope=1/2).dict() #invariants of stable moduli spaces
{(1, 1): y^2 + 1}
class msinvar.wall_crossing.WallCrossingStructure(rank=0, sform=None, prec=None)[source]

Bases: object

Wall-crossing structure.

Contains the quantum affine algebra and methods to compute and transform different types of invariants (stacky, rational, integer DT invariants corresponding to different stability parameters).


  • rank – Rank of the lattice.

  • sform – Skew-symmetric form on the lattice (a function).

  • prec – precision vector for the quantum affine plane.


Total invariant, meaning the stacky invariant for the trivial stability.


sage: from msinvar import *
sage: Q=JordanQuiver(1); Q # Quivers inherit from WCS
Jordan quiver: Quiver with 1 vertices and 1 arrows
sage: Q.prec([2]); # set precision vector
sage: I=Q.total(); I.poly()
1 + (y^2/(y^2 - 1))*x + (y^6/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1))*x^2
sage: I.Log().poly()
(y^2/(y^2 - 1))*x
sform(a, b)[source]
twist(a, b=None)[source]

Product twist for a pair of vectors or a list of vectors.


Twist the product in the quantum affine plane using twist().


Untwist the product in the quantum affine plane (make it commutative).


Set or return precision vector for the quantum affine plane.

stacky(z, I=None, algo='fast')[source]

Stacky invariant for the stability z.

See total2stacky_algo1() for more details. The value of algo can be ‘fast’, ‘fast2’, ‘slow’. If the total invariant I is None, we consider total().


sage: from msinvar import *
sage: Q=KroneckerQuiver(2)
sage: Q.prec([5,5])
sage: z=Stability([1,0])
sage: I1=Q.stacky(z,algo='fast')
sage: I2=Q.stacky(z,algo='fast2')
sage: I1([1,1])
(y^2 + 1)/(y^2 - 1)
sage: I1.poly()-I2.poly()
stacky_from_total(*args, **kw)[source]

Alias for stacky().

Omh(*args, **kw)[source]

Alias for stacky().

rat_from_total(z, I=None, algo='fast')[source]

Return rational invariant for the stability z.

Omb(*args, **kw)[source]

Alias for rat_from_total().

int_from_total(z, I=None, algo='fast')[source]

Return integer invariant for the stability z.

Om(*args, **kw)[source]

Alias for int_from_total().

stacky2total(I, z)[source]

See stacky2total_algo1().

stk2stk(I, z, z1, algo='fast')[source]

Transform stacky invariant I for stability z to the stacky invariant for stability z1.

The value of algo can be ‘fast’ or ‘slow’.

stk2rat(I, z=None)[source]

Transform stacky invariant I to the rational invariant. By default we assume that z is a generic stability.

rat2stk(I, z=None)[source]

Transform rational invariant I to the stacky invariant. By default we assume that z is a generic stability.


Transform rational invariant I to the integer invariant.


Transform integer invariant I to the rational invariant.


Transform stacky invariant I to the integer invariant. We assume that the stability parameter is generic.


Transform integer invariant I to the stacky invariant. We assume that the stability parameter is generic.

poly(I, z=None, slope=None)[source]

Transform invariant I to a polynomial, considering only degrees having a given slope with respect to a given stability parameter z.

series(*args, **kw)[source]

Alias for poly().

eform(a, b)[source]

Euler form of a quiver or a curve.


Auxiliary term twist that depends on eform().


Auxiliary term twist that depends on eform().


Count stable objects of a fixed slope, assuming that the stacky invariant I counting semistable objects of that slope is given. Based on arXiv:0708.1259.

stable_from_total(z, slope=0, I=None)[source]

Count z-stable representations having a given slope, assuming that the total invariant I is given. Based on arXiv:0708.1259.

  • z – Stability parameter.

  • slope – Slope value.

  • I – Total invariant (if None, we consider total()).

stable(*args, **kw)[source]

Alias for stable_from_total().


Count simple reprentations of a quiver, assuming that the total invariant I is given. If I is None, we consider total(). Based on arXiv:0708.1259.


Self-stability for the dimension vector d.


Attractor stability for the dimension vector d.


Calculate stacky attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is I. If I is None, we consider total().


Calculate rational attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is I. If I is None, we consider total().


Calculate integer attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is I. If I is None, we consider total().


Calculate stacky attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is I. If I is None, we consider total().


Calculate rational attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is I. If I is None, we consider total().


Calculate integer attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is I. If I is None, we consider total().


Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky attractor invariant is I. This is a recursive inversion of stkAtt().


Calculate total invariant, assuming that the rational attractor invariant is I.


Calculate total invariant, assuming that the integer attractor invariant is I.

attr_tree_formula(z, I, t=0)[source]

See msinvar.flow_trees.attr_tree_formula().

flow_tree_formula(z, I, **kw)[source]

See msinvar.flow_trees.flow_tree_formula().


alias of msinvar.wall_crossing.WallCrossingStructure

msinvar.wall_crossing.total2stacky_algo1(W, I, z)[source]

Calculate stacky invariant for stability z, assuming that the total invariant is I.

  • W – Wall-crossing structure,

  • I – Invariant,

  • z– Stability.

Based on arXiv:math/0204059 (5.5) and implementation by Pieter Belmans. Has comparable speed to total2stacky_algo2().

msinvar.wall_crossing.total2stacky_algo2(W, I, z)[source]

Calculate stacky invariant for stability z, assuming that the total invariant is I.

  • W – Wall-crossing structure,

  • I – Invariant,

  • z– Stability.

Has comparable speed to total2stacky_algo1().

msinvar.wall_crossing.stacky2total_algo1(W, I, z)[source]

Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky invariant for stability z is I.

This algorithm is faster than stacky2total_algo2().

  • W – Wall-crossing structure,

  • I – Invariant,

  • z– Stability.

msinvar.wall_crossing.stacky2total_algo2(W, I, z)[source]

Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky invariant for stability z is I.

This is a recursive inversion of total2stacky_algo1(). It is slower than stacky2total_algo1().

  • W – Wall-crossing structure,

  • I – Invariant,

  • z– Stability.