Source code for msinvar.wall_crossing

This module contains algorithms related to wall-crossing.

We define the class :class:`WCS` associated to a lattice with a skew-symmetric
form (or to a quiver). This class contains the quantum affine plane where all
invariants live and where wall-crossing takes place. It also contains
algorithms to jump between various types of invariants:
    1. Stacky, Rational, Integer invariants associated to a stability parameter.
    2. Total invariant (stacky invariant associated to the trivial stability parameter).
    3. Stacky, Rational, Integer invariants associated to the attractor stability.
    4. Invariant counting stable representations of a quiver for a given stability parameter.


    sage: from msinvar import *
    sage: Q=KroneckerQuiver(2); Q
    Kronecker quiver: Quiver with 2 vertices and 2 arrows
    sage: Q.prec([2,2]) #fix precision vector
    {(0, 0): 1,
    (0, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
    (0, 2): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
    (1, 0): y/(-y^2 + 1),
    (1, 1): y^4/(y^4 - 2*y^2 + 1),
    (1, 2): y^7/(-y^8 + 2*y^6 - 2*y^2 + 1),
    (2, 0): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
    (2, 1): y^7/(-y^8 + 2*y^6 - 2*y^2 + 1),
    (2, 2): y^12/(y^12 - 2*y^10 - y^8 + 4*y^6 - y^4 - 2*y^2 + 1)}

    sage: I=Q.stacky([1,0]); I.dict()
    {(0, 0): 1,
     (0, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
     (0, 2): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
     (1, 0): y/(-y^2 + 1),
     (1, 1): (y^2 + 1)/(y^2 - 1),
     (1, 2): y/(-y^2 + 1),
     (2, 0): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
     (2, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
     (2, 2): (y^6 + y^4 + 2*y^2)/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1)}
    sage: I1=Q.stk2int(I); I1.dict()
    {(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1, (1, 1): (-y^2 - 1)/y, (1, 2): 1, (2, 1): 1}

    sage: I=Q.stacky([0,1]); I.dict()
    {(0, 0): 1,
     (0, 1): y/(-y^2 + 1),
     (0, 2): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1),
     (1, 0): y/(-y^2 + 1),
     (2, 0): y^2/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1)}
    sage: I1=Q.stk2int(I); I1.dict()
    {(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1}

    sage: Q.intAtt().dict() #integer attractor invariants
    {(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1}


    sage: Q.stable([1,0], slope=1/2).dict() #invariants of stable moduli spaces
    {(1, 1): y^2 + 1}

# *****************************************************************************
#  Copyright (C) 2021 Sergey Mozgovoy <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# *****************************************************************************

from msinvar.rings import RF
from msinvar.tm_polynomials import TMPoly
from msinvar.utils import vec, cache
from msinvar.iterators import IntegerVectors_iterator
from msinvar.stability import Stability
from msinvar.invariants import Invariant, Psi_map, IPsi_map
from msinvar.invariants import log_transform,  exp_transform, reineke_transform, joyce_transform
from msinvar.invariants import recursive_inversion

[docs]class WallCrossingStructure: """ Wall-crossing structure. Contains the quantum affine algebra and methods to compute and transform different types of invariants (stacky, rational, integer DT invariants corresponding to different stability parameters). INPUT: - ``rank`` -- Rank of the lattice. - ``sform`` -- Skew-symmetric form on the lattice (a function). - ``prec`` -- precision vector for the quantum affine plane. """ def __init__(self, rank=0, sform=None, prec=None): self._rank = rank self._sform = sform self.base = RF('y,q') self.y = self.base.gen(0) self.q = self.base.gen(1) = 1/self.y - self.y self.R = TMPoly(self.base, rank, prec=prec) self._total = None def __repr__(self): return f'Wall-crossing structure on a lattice of rank {self.rank()}'
[docs] def total(self, I=None): """Total invariant, meaning the stacky invariant for the trivial stability. EXAMPLE:: sage: from msinvar import * sage: Q=JordanQuiver(1); Q # Quivers inherit from WCS Jordan quiver: Quiver with 1 vertices and 1 arrows sage: Q.prec([2]); # set precision vector sage:; I.poly() 1 + (y^2/(y^2 - 1))*x + (y^6/(y^6 - y^4 - y^2 + 1))*x^2 sage: I.Log().poly() (y^2/(y^2 - 1))*x """ if I is not None: self._total = I return I if self._total is None: self._total = self.total_default() return self._total
[docs] def rank(self): return self._rank
[docs] def sform(self, a, b): return self._sform(a, b)
[docs] def total_default(self): pass
[docs] def twist(self, a, b=None): """ Product twist for a pair of vectors or a list of vectors. """ if b is not None: return (-self.y)**self.sform(a, b) if len(a) <= 1: return 1 v = vec.add(a) s = 0 for i in range(len(a)-1): v = vec.sub(v, a[i]) s += self.sform(a[i], v) return (-self.y)**s
[docs] def twist_product(self): """Twist the product in the quantum affine plane using :meth:`twist`.""" self.R.prod_twist = self.twist
[docs] def untwist_product(self): """Untwist the product in the quantum affine plane (make it commutative).""" self.R.prod_twist = None
[docs] def prec(self, d=None): """Set or return precision vector for the quantum affine plane.""" return self.R.prec(d)
[docs] def stacky(self, z, I=None, algo='fast'): """ Stacky invariant for the stability ``z``. See :meth:`total2stacky_algo1` for more details. The value of ``algo`` can be 'fast', 'fast2', 'slow'. If the total invariant ``I`` is None, we consider :meth:`total`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from msinvar import * sage: Q=KroneckerQuiver(2) sage: Q.prec([5,5]) sage: z=Stability([1,0]) sage: I1=Q.stacky(z,algo='fast') sage: I2=Q.stacky(z,algo='fast2') sage: I1([1,1]) (y^2 + 1)/(y^2 - 1) sage: I1.poly()-I2.poly() 0 """ if I is None: I = if algo == "fast": return total2stacky_algo1(self, I, z) if algo == "fast2": return total2stacky_algo2(self, I, z) if algo == "slow": T = reineke_transform(z) T.twist = self.twist return T(I) raise ValueError("No such algo")
[docs] def stacky_from_total(self, *args, **kw): """Alias for :meth:`stacky`.""" return self.stacky(*args, *kw)
[docs] def Omh(self, *args, **kw): """Alias for :meth:`stacky`.""" return self.stacky(*args, *kw)
[docs] def rat_from_total(self, z, I=None, algo='fast'): """Return rational invariant for the stability ``z``.""" Omh = self.stacky(z, I, algo) return self.stk2rat(Omh) # assume that z is generic
[docs] def Omb(self, *args, **kw): """Alias for :meth:`rat_from_total`.""" return self.rat_from_total(*args, *kw)
[docs] def int_from_total(self, z, I=None, algo='fast'): """Return integer invariant for the stability ``z``.""" Omh = self.stacky(z, I, algo) return self.stk2int(Omh) # assume that z is generic
[docs] def Om(self, *args, **kw): """Alias for :meth:`int_from_total`.""" return self.int_from_total(*args, *kw)
[docs] def stacky2total(self, I, z): """See :meth:`stacky2total_algo1`.""" return stacky2total_algo1(self, I, z)
[docs] def stk2stk(self, I, z, z1, algo="fast"): """ Transform stacky invariant ``I`` for stability ``z`` to the stacky invariant for stability ``z1``. The value of ``algo`` can be 'fast' or 'slow'. """ if algo == "fast": I1 = stacky2total_algo1(self, I, z) return total2stacky_algo1(self, I1, z1) if algo == "slow": T = joyce_transform(z, z1) T.twist = self.twist return T(I)
[docs] def stk2rat(self, I, z=None): """Transform stacky invariant ``I`` to the rational invariant. By default we assume that ``z`` is a generic stability. """ if z is None: I1 = I.plog() return Invariant(lambda d: I1(d)*, self) T = log_transform(z) T.twist = lambda l: self.twist(l)* return T(I)
[docs] def rat2stk(self, I, z=None): """Transform rational invariant ``I`` to the stacky invariant. By default we assume that ``z`` is a generic stability. """ I1 = Invariant(lambda d: I(d)/, self) if z is None: return I1.pexp() T = exp_transform(z) T.twist = self.twist return T(I1)
[docs] def rat2int(self, I): """Transform rational invariant ``I`` to the integer invariant.""" def I1(d): return I(d)/ return Invariant(lambda d: IPsi_map(I1, d)*, self)
[docs] def int2rat(self, I): """Transform integer invariant ``I`` to the rational invariant.""" def I1(d): return I(d)/ return Invariant(lambda d: Psi_map(I1, d)*, self)
[docs] def stk2int(self, I): """Transform stacky invariant ``I`` to the integer invariant. We assume that the stability parameter is generic. """ I1 = I.pLog() return Invariant(lambda d: I1(d)*, self)
[docs] def int2stk(self, I): """Transform integer invariant ``I`` to the stacky invariant. We assume that the stability parameter is generic. """ I1 = Invariant(lambda d: I(d)/, self) return I1.pExp()
[docs] def poly(self, I, z=None, slope=None): """ Transform invariant ``I`` to a polynomial, considering only degrees having a given ``slope`` with respect to a given stability parameter ``z``. """ return I.poly(self, z, slope)
[docs] def series(self, *args, **kw): """Alias for :meth:`poly`.""" return self.poly(*args, **kw)
# quiver related methods (requires Euler form)
[docs] def eform(self, a, b): """Euler form of a quiver or a curve.""" pass
[docs] def twist_T(self, d): """Auxiliary term twist that depends on :meth:`eform`.""" return (-self.y)**(self.eform(d, d))
[docs] def twist_TI(self, d): """Auxiliary term twist that depends on :meth:`eform`.""" return (-self.y)**(-self.eform(d, d))
# end of quiver related methods
[docs] def stable_from_stacky(self, I): """ Count stable objects of a fixed slope, assuming that the stacky invariant ``I`` counting semistable objects of that slope is given. Based on :arxiv:`0708.1259`. """ # f = self.series(I, z, slope) f = I.poly() if f.constant_coefficient() == 0: f = 1+f self.twist_product() # quantum torus product f1 = f.invert() # inversion in the quantum torus self.untwist_product() # restore commutative product f2 = f1.term_twist(self.twist_TI) # Exp(a/1-q) f3 = f2.Log()*(1-self.y**2) return Invariant(f3, self)
[docs] def stable_from_total(self, z, slope=0, I=None): """ Count ``z``-stable representations having a given ``slope``, assuming that the total invariant ``I`` is given. Based on :arxiv:`0708.1259`. - ``z`` -- Stability parameter. - ``slope`` -- Slope value. - ``I`` -- Total invariant (if None, we consider :meth:`total`). """ I1 = self.stacky(z, I).restrict(z, slope) return self.stable_from_stacky(I1)
[docs] def stable(self, *args, **kw): """Alias for :meth:`stable_from_total`.""" return self.stable_from_total(*args, **kw)
[docs] def simple(self, I=None): """Count simple reprentations of a quiver, assuming that the total invariant ``I`` is given. If ``I`` is None, we consider :meth:`total`. Based on :arxiv:`0708.1259`. """ if I is None: I = return self.stable_from_stacky(I)
[docs] def self_stab(self, d): """Self-stability for the dimension vector ``d``.""" n = len(d) a = [self.sform(vec.basis(i, n), d) for i in range(n)] return Stability(a)
[docs] def attr_stab(self, d): """Attractor stability for the dimension vector ``d``.""" z = self.self_stab(d) while not z.is_generic(d): z = z.randomize() return z
# return self.self_stab(d).randomize()
[docs] def stkAtt(self, I=None): """Calculate stacky attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is ``I``. If ``I`` is None, we consider :meth:`total`.""" def f(d): z = self.attr_stab(d) I1 = self.stacky(z, I) return I1(d) return Invariant(f, self)
[docs] def ratAtt(self, I=None): """Calculate rational attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is ``I``. If ``I`` is None, we consider :meth:`total`.""" return self.stk2rat(self.stkAtt(I))
[docs] def intAtt(self, I=None): """Calculate integer attractor invariant assuming that the total invariant is ``I``. If ``I`` is None, we consider :meth:`total`.""" return self.stk2int(self.stkAtt(I))
OmhAtt = stkAtt OmbAtt = ratAtt OmAtt = intAtt
[docs] def stkAtt2total(self, I=None): """ Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky attractor invariant is ``I``. This is a recursive inversion of :meth:`stkAtt`. """ if I is None: I = self.stkAtt_default() T = recursive_inversion(self.stkAtt) return T(I)
[docs] def ratAtt2total(self, I=None): """ Calculate total invariant, assuming that the rational attractor invariant is ``I``. """ if I is None: I = self.ratAtt_default() I1 = self.rat2stk(I) return self.stkAtt2total(I1)
[docs] def intAtt2total(self, I=None): """ Calculate total invariant, assuming that the integer attractor invariant is ``I``. """ if I is None: I = self.intAtt_default() I1 = self.int2stk(I) return self.stkAtt2total(I1)
[docs] def intAtt_default(self): def f(d): if sum(d) == 1: return 1 return 0 return Invariant(f, self)
[docs] def ratAtt_default(self): return self.int2rat(self.intAtt_default())
[docs] def stkAtt_default(self): return self.int2stk(self.intAtt_default())
[docs] def attr_tree_formula(self, z, I, t=0): """See :meth:`msinvar.flow_trees.attr_tree_formula`.""" from msinvar.flow_trees import attr_tree_formula return attr_tree_formula(self, z, I, t)
[docs] def flow_tree_formula(self, z, I, **kw): """See :meth:`msinvar.flow_trees.flow_tree_formula`.""" from msinvar.flow_trees import flow_tree_formula return flow_tree_formula(self, z, I, **kw)
WCS = WallCrossingStructure
[docs]def total2stacky_algo1(W, I, z): """ Calculate stacky invariant for stability ``z``, assuming that the total invariant is ``I``. - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, - ``I`` -- Invariant, - ``z``-- Stability. Based on :arxiv:`math/0204059` (5.5) and implementation by `Pieter Belmans <>`_. Has comparable speed to :meth:`total2stacky_algo2`. """ z = Stability.check(z) def stacky(d): if vec.iszero(d): return I(d) te = z.normalize(d) zero = [0]*len(d) l = [zero]+list(e for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d) if te(e) > 0)+[d] def T(i, j): a = vec.sub(l[j], l[i]) if all(k >= 0 for k in a): return I(a) * W.twist(l[i], a) return 0 n = len(l) b = [0]*(n-1)+[1] x = [0]*n for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): x[i] = b[i]-sum(T(i, j)*x[j] for j in range(i+1, n)) return -x[0] return Invariant(stacky, W)
[docs]def total2stacky_algo2(W, I, z): """ Calculate stacky invariant for stability ``z``, assuming that the total invariant is ``I``. - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, - ``I`` -- Invariant, - ``z``-- Stability. Has comparable speed to :meth:`total2stacky_algo1`. """ z = Stability.check(z) def stacky(d0): if vec.iszero(d0): return I(d0) te = z.normalize(d0) @cache def tail(d): s = 0 for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d): d1 = vec.sub(d, e) if vec.iszero(d1): s += I(e) elif te(d1) < 0: s -= tail(d1)*I(e)*W.twist(e, d1) return s return tail(d0) return Invariant(stacky, W)
[docs]def stacky2total_algo1(W, I, z): """ Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky invariant for stability ``z`` is ``I``. This algorithm is faster than :meth:`stacky2total_algo2`. - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, - ``I`` -- Invariant, - ``z``-- Stability. """ z = Stability.check(z) @cache def total(d, slope=None): if vec.iszero(d): return I(d) s = 0 for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d): if slope is None or z(e) < slope: d1 = vec.sub(d, e) s += total(d1, z(e))*I(e)*W.twist(e, d1) return s return Invariant(total, W)
[docs]def stacky2total_algo2(W, I, z): """ Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky invariant for stability ``z`` is ``I``. This is a recursive inversion of :meth:`total2stacky_algo1`. It is slower than :meth:`stacky2total_algo1`. - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, - ``I`` -- Invariant, - ``z``-- Stability. """ def T(I): return total2stacky_algo1(W, I, z) T1 = recursive_inversion(T) return T1(I)
# def total2stkAtt(W, I): # """ # Calculate stacky attractor invariant, assuming that the total invariant # is ``I``. # INPUT: # - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, # - ``I`` -- Invariant. # """ # def f(d): # z = W.attr_stab(d) # return total2stacky_algo1(W, z, I)(d) # return Invariant(f, W) # def total2intAtt(W, I): # """ # Calculate integer attractor invariant, assuming that the total invariant # is ``I``. # INPUT: # - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, # - ``I`` -- Invariant. # """ # I = total2stkAtt(W, I).pLog() # return Invariant(lambda d: I(d)*, W) # def stacky2total_algo2(W, I, z): # """ # Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky invariant for # stability ``z`` is ``I``. # This is a recursive inversion of total2stacky. It is slower than # :meth:`stacky2total_algo1`. # INPUT: # - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, # - ``I`` -- Invariant, # - ``z``-- Stability. # """ # z = Stability.check(z) # @cache # def total(d0): # if vec.iszero(d0): # return 1 # c = z(d0) # @cache # def tail(d): # s = 0 # for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d): # d1 = vec.sub(d, e) # if vec.iszero(d1): # s += total(e) # elif z(d1) < c: # s -= tail(d1)*total(e)*W.twist(e, d1) # return s # s = 0 # for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d0): # d1 = vec.sub(d0, e) # if vec.iszero(d1): # pass # elif z(d1) < c: # s -= tail(d1)*total(e)*W.twist(e, d1) # return I(d0)-s # return Invariant(total, W) # def stkAtt2total_algo(W, I): # """ # Calculate total invariant, assuming that the stacky invariant for # stability ``z`` is ``I``. # This is a recursive inversion of total2stacky. It is slower than # :meth:`stacky2total_algo1`. # INPUT: # - ``W`` -- Wall-crossing structure, # - ``I`` -- Invariant, # - ``z``-- Stability. # """ # @cache # def total(d0): # if vec.iszero(d0): # return 1 # z = W.attr_stab(d0) # te = z.normalize(d0) # @cache # def tail(d): # s = 0 # for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d): # d1 = vec.sub(d, e) # if vec.iszero(d1): # s += total(e) # elif te(d1) < 0: # s -= tail(d1)*total(e)*W.twist(e, d1) # return s # s = 0 # for e in IntegerVectors_iterator(d0): # d1 = vec.sub(d0, e) # if vec.iszero(d1): # pass # elif te(d1) < 0: # s -= tail(d1)*total(e)*W.twist(e, d1) # return I(d0)-s # return Invariant(total, W)