Source code for msinvar.stability

Stability function


    sage: from msinvar import Stability
    sage: z=Stability([1,0]); z
    Stability function [[1, 0], [1, 1]]
    sage: z([1,2]) #slope

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#  Copyright (C) 2021 Sergey Mozgovoy <>
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import numpy as np
from sage.arith.misc import gcd
from msinvar.iterators import IntegerVectors_iterator
from msinvar.utils import vec
from sage.misc.prandom import random


[docs]class Stability: """Stability function corresponding to the vectors ``a``, ``b``. EXAMPLES:: sage: from msinvar import Stability sage: z=Stability([1,0]); z Stability function [[1, 0], [1, 1]] sage: z([1,2]) #slope 0.333333333333 sage: z([1,0],[0,1]) #difference of slopes 1 sage: z.less([1,0],[0,1]) False """ def __init__(self, a, b=None): if isinstance(a, Stability): self.a = a.a self.b = a.b return self.a = a # np.array(a) if b is None: self.b = [1]*len(a) # np.ones(len(a), int) else: self.b = b # np.array(b) def __repr__(self): return "Stability function "+str([list(self.a), list(self.b)]) def __call__(self, d, e=None): if e is None: return self.slope(d) return, e) def _slope(self, d): """Slope of the vector ``d``.""" return, d)/, d)
[docs] def slope(self, d): """Slope of the vector ``d``.""" return np.round(self._slope(d), PRECISION)
[docs] def compare(self, d, e): """Difference of slopes.""" return self.slope(d)-self.slope(e)
[docs] def has_slope(self, d, slope): try: return np.round(self._slope(d)-slope, PRECISION)==0 except: return False
[docs] def less(self, d, e): """Return True if slope(d)<slope(e).""" return self.slope(d) < self.slope(e)
[docs] def lesseq(self, d, e): """Return True if slope(d)<=slope(e).""" return self.slope(d) <= self.slope(e)
[docs] def equal(self, d, e=None): """Return True if slope(d)=slope(e).""" if e is not None: return self.slope(d) == self.slope(e) if len(d) == 1: return True te = self.normalize(d[0]) return all(te(d[i]) == 0 for i in range(1, len(d)))
[docs] def dim(self): # used in HN_transform """Rank of the lattice.""" return len(self.a)
[docs] def weight(self, d): """Return vector w such that w*e<0 iff slope(e)<slope(d).""" return vec.sub(self.a, vec.scal(self._slope(d), self.b))
[docs] def normalize(self, d): """Return function f such that f(e)<0 iff slope(e)<slope(d).""" w = self.weight(d) return lambda d: np.round(, d), PRECISION)
[docs] def randomize(self): """Generic perturbation of self.""" a, b = self.a, self.b return Stability([i+random()*1e-5 for i in a], b)
[docs] def is_generic(self, prec): """Return True if slope(d)=slope(e) for d,e<=prec implies that d, e are proportional.""" s = set() for d in IntegerVectors_iterator(prec): if gcd(d) == 1: c = self.slope(d) if c in s: return False s.add(c) return True
[docs] @ staticmethod def trivial(n): """Return trivial stability of dimension ``n``.""" return Stability([0]*n)
[docs] @ staticmethod def check(z): """Check if ``z`` is a stability. If it is a vector, convert it to a stability.""" if isinstance(z, Stability): return z return Stability(z)