Source code for msinvar.potential_quiver_invar

Compute refined invariants for some quivers with potentials.

1. Compute (total refined) invariants for the cyclic
quiver C_n with the potential consisting of one term (the cycle).

2. Compute (total refined) invariants for the McKay quiver of C^3/Z_r with
the induced potential (consisting of 3-cycles), where the action is given
by (1, k, -k-1) for any 0<=k<r. This potential quiver can be obtained as a
translation potential quiver of a cyclic quiver, see :arxiv:`1911.01788`.
Some of the results are presented in :arxiv:`2012.14358`. 


    sage: from msinvar.quivers import CyclicQuiver
    sage: from msinvar.potential_quiver_invar import *
    sage: r, k = 3, 1
    sage: CQ = CyclicQuiver(r); CQ
    Cyclic quiver: Quiver with 3 vertices and 3 arrows
    sage: CQ.prec([2]*r) # precision vector
    sage: CQ.intAtt().dict() #Attractor invar for a cyclic quiver without potential
    {(0, 0, 1): 1, (0, 1, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1, (1, 1, 1): -y}

    sage: total=cyclic_potential_total(CQ) # Total invar for a cyclic quiver with potential
    sage: CQ.intAtt(total).dict() #Attractor invar for a cyclic quiver with potential 
    {(0, 0, 1): 1, (0, 1, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1}

    sage: PQ = CQ.translation_PQ(1); PQ # translation quiver with potential
    Translation PQ: Quiver with 3 vertices, 9 arrows and potential with 6 terms
    sage: PQ.prec([2,2,2])
    sage: total=translation_PQ_total(PQ)
    sage: PQ.intAtt(total).simp().dict() #Attractor invar for the translation quiver with potential
    {(0, 0, 1): 1,
     (0, 1, 0): 1,
     (1, 0, 0): 1,
     (1, 1, 1): (-2*y^2 - 1)/y,
     (2, 2, 2): (-2*y^2 - 1)/y}

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#  Copyright (C) 2021 Sergey Mozgovoy <>
#  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
# *****************************************************************************

from numpy import array
from msinvar.iterators import Multiplicities_iterator
from msinvar.utils import phi
from msinvar.invariants import Invariant
from msinvar.quivers import Quiver, ChainQuiver

[docs]def interaction_invariant(S, si, dim, Q): r""" Return expression of the form: .. math:: \sum_{m:S\to N} (-y)^{-\sum_{i,j\in S} m_im_j\sigma(i,j)} /(1/y^2)_m\cdot x^{\sum_{i\in S} m_i \dim(i)} 1. Q is a Quiver, y=Q.y, r=Q.rank. 2. S is a list. 3. `\sigma:S\times S\to Z` is a map (interaction form). 4. `\dim:S\to Z^r` is a map (dimension vectors). 5. `(q)_m=\prod_{i\in S}(q)_{m_i},\ (q)_k=(1-q)...(1-q^k)`. 6. The sum runs over m such that `\sum_i m_i \dim(i)\le` Q.prec(). """ prec = Q.prec() y = Q.y if not isinstance(S, list): S = list(S(prec)) Sdim = array([dim(a) for a in S]).T # dimensions of indecomposables Si = array([[si(i, j) for j in S] for i in S]) # matrix of si-values dct = {tuple([0]*len(prec)): 1} for m in Multiplicities_iterator(Sdim, prec): d = tuple(Sdim@m) p = -Si@m@m if d not in dct: dct[d] = 0 dct[d] += (-y)**p/phi(1/y**2, m) return Invariant(dct, Q)
[docs]def translation_PQ_total(PQ, prec=None): """ Return total invariant (stacky invariant for the trivial stability) for the translation potential quiver, assuming that the base quiver has implemented methods :meth:`ind_list`, :meth:`ind_dim`, :meth:`ind_hom`. ``PQ`` -- translation potential quiver or its wall-crossing structure. See :class:`msinvar.quivers.TranslationPQ`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from msinvar import * sage: from msinvar.potential_quiver_invar import * sage: Q=CyclicQuiver(3); Q Cyclic quiver: Quiver with 3 vertices and 3 arrows sage: PQ=Q.translation_PQ(1); PQ Translation PQ: Quiver with 3 vertices, 9 arrows and potential with 6 terms sage: I=translation_PQ_total(PQ, [2,2,2]) sage: PQ.intAtt(I).simp().dict() {(0, 0, 1): 1, (0, 1, 0): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1, (1, 1, 1): (-2*y^2 - 1)/y, (2, 2, 2): (-2*y^2 - 1)/y} """ PQ.prec(prec) Q = PQ.base_quiver hom = Q.ind_hom dim = Q.ind_dim def rho(a, b): s = PQ.eform(a, b) return s + sum([2 * a[PQ.tau(e[1])] * b[e[0]] for e in Q.arrows()]) def si(a, b): return 2*hom(a, b)-2*hom(PQ.ind_tau(a), b) - rho(dim(a), dim(b)) return interaction_invariant(Q.ind_list, si, dim, PQ)
# cyclic_TPQ_total = translation_PQ_total # backwards compatibility
[docs]def cyclic_potential_total(CQ, prec=None): """ Return total stacky invariants (for the trivial stability) for a cyclic quiver with the cyclic potential. CQ is the cyclic quiver or its wall-crossing structure. """ if not isinstance(CQ, Quiver): CQ = CQ.quiver CQ.prec(prec) r = CQ.vertex_num() Q = ChainQuiver(r) S = Q.ind_list() S.remove((0, r-1)) # this representation doesn't satisfy relations def si(a, b): da, db = Q.ind_dim(a), Q.ind_dim(b) return 2*Q.ind_hom(a, b)-2*da[0]*db[-1]-CQ.eform(da, db) return interaction_invariant(S, si, Q.ind_dim, CQ)
[docs]class QuiverExample1(Quiver): """Quiver 1->0, 1->2 with methods for indecomposables and a non-trivial automorphism. EXAMPLES:: sage: from msinvar.potential_quiver_invar import * sage: Q=QuiverExample1(); Q Quiver with 3 vertices and 2 arrows sage: PQ=Q.translation_PQ(); PQ Translation PQ: Quiver with 3 vertices, 7 arrows and potential with 4 terms sage: PQ.prec([3,3,3]) sage: I=PQ.translation_PQ_total() sage: PQ.intAtt(I).dict() {(0, 0, 1): 1, (0, 1, 0): -y, (0, 1, 1): 1, (1, 0, 0): 1, (1, 0, 1): -y, (1, 1, 0): 1, (1, 1, 1): -y, (1, 2, 1): -y} """ def __init__(self): super().__init__('1-0,1-2')
[docs] def ind_list(self, *args): """ Return the list of all indecomposable representations, paramertized by pairs (i,j) with i<=j. """ n = self.vertex_num() l = [] for i in range(n): l += [(i, j) for j in range(i, n)] return l
[docs] def ind_dim(self, a): n = self.vertex_num() i, j = a[0], a[1] return [0]*i+[1]*(j-i+1)+[0]*(n-j-1)
[docs] def ind_hom(self, a, b): dim = self.ind_dim if a in {(0, 2), (0, 0), (2, 2)} or b in {(0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 2)}: # a is projective or b is injective return self.eform(dim(a), dim(b)) # if b=(0,0) or (2,2), we get 0 as a is generated at the vertex 1 # if b=(0,2), we also get 0 -- direct check return 0
[docs] def tau(self, a): """Non-trivial automorphism of the quiver.""" if isinstance(a, tuple): # an arrow return (2-a[0], a[1], a[2]) return 2-a # a vertex
[docs] def ind_tau(self, a): """Bijection on indecomposables induced by :meth:`tau`.""" return (2-a[1], 2-a[0])
[docs] def translation_PQ(self): from msinvar import TranslationPQ return TranslationPQ(self, self.tau, self.ind_tau)