Source code for msinvar.invariants

Invariant class that associates a value with every dimension vector

An invariant can be constructed from a TMPolynomial, a dictionary, a function 
or another invariant. Every invariant can be transformed to a TMPolynomial
or a dictionary. We cache the values of an invariant so that they don't have
to be computed repeatedly.


    sage: from msinvar import *
    sage: R=TMPoly(prec=[3]); R
    Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field truncated at degree [3]
    sage: x=R.gen(); x.Exp()
    1 + x + x^2 + x^3
    sage: I=Invariant(x.Exp()); I
    sage: I.dict()
    {(0,): 1, (1,): 1, (2,): 1, (3,): 1}
    sage: I.Log().dict()
    {(1,): 1}
    sage: I.Log().poly()

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#  Copyright (C) 2021 Sergey Mozgovoy <>
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from numpy import array
from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.arith.misc import divisors, gcd, moebius
from sage.functions.other import factorial
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ

from msinvar.tm_polynomials import TMPolynomial, TMPolynomialRing
from msinvar.utils import cache, vec
from msinvar.iterators import IntegerVectors_iterator, ListPartitions_iterator
from msinvar.iterators import OrderedMultiPartitions_iterator, OrderedMultiPartitionsLE_iterator
from msinvar.stability import Stability

[docs]class Invariant: """ Invariant class that associates an invariants I(d) with every dimension vector d. An argument can be a TMPolynomial, a dictionary, a function or another invariant. Objects have methods that return associated TMPolynomials and dictionaries. If possible, we save the ring (TMPoly) in order to transform our invariant to a polynomial. - ``f`` -- function, TMPolynomial, dictionary, Invariant. - ``R`` -- a ring TMPolynomialRing. """ def __init__(self, f, R=None): self.f = f if R is not None: self.R = self.get_ring(R) elif isinstance(f, TMPolynomial): self.R = f.parent() elif isinstance(f, Invariant): self.R = f.R else: self.R = None def __call__(self, d): return self.value(d) def __repr__(self): return 'Invariant' @cache def value(self, d): """The value of the invariant at ``d``.""" f = self.f if isinstance(f, TMPolynomial): return f.coeff(d) if isinstance(f, dict): try: return f[tuple(d)] except: return 0 return f(d)
[docs] def get_ring(self, I=None): """The ring (TMPolynomialRing) saved by the invariant.""" if I is not None: if hasattr(I, 'R'): return I.R elif isinstance(I, TMPolynomialRing): return I return None if self.R is not None: return self.R raise ValueError("Need a ring")
[docs] def get_prec(self, d=None): """Precision vector of the ring.""" from msinvar.wall_crossing import WCS if d is None: return self.get_ring().prec() if isinstance(d, WCS) or isinstance(d, TMPolynomialRing): return d.prec() return d
[docs] def dict(self, prec=None, stab=None, slope=0): """ Convert invariant to a dictionary, with keys bounded by self.prec(). """ dct = {} prec = self.get_prec(prec) def add(d): c = self.value(d) if c != 0: dct[tuple(d)] = c add([0]*len(prec)) if stab is not None: stab = Stability(stab) for d in IntegerVectors_iterator(prec): if stab is None or stab(d) == slope: add(d) return dct
[docs] def poly(self, R=None, stab=None, slope=None): """ Convert invariant to a TMPolynomial. """ R = self.get_ring(R) prec = R.prec() return R(self.dict(prec, stab, slope))
to_series = poly series = poly
[docs] def term_twist(self, f): """Twist every term using the function ``f``.""" return Invariant(lambda d: self(d)*f(d), self)
[docs] def restrict(self, z, slope): """Restrict invariant to dimension vectors d such that z(d)=slope, where ``z`` is a Stability (or the corresponding vector).""" z = Stability.check(z) def f(d): if vec.iszero(d) or z.has_slope(d, slope): return self.value(d) return 0 return Invariant(f, self)
[docs] def subs(self, **kw): """Apply substitution to every term.""" def f(d): try: return self.value(d).subs(**kw) except: return self.value(d) return Invariant(f, self)
[docs] def root_vars(self, k=2): """Substitute y^k by y for every variable y.""" def f(d): try: return self.value(d).root_vars(k) except: return self.value(d) return Invariant(f, self)
[docs] def simp(self, d=None): """Simplify every term.""" def simp(f): try: return f.simp() except: return f if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: simp(self(d)), self) return simp(self(d))
[docs] def plog(self, algo="fast"): """Take log along every ray.""" if algo == "fast": return plog_fast(self) return plog_map(self)
[docs] def pexp(self, algo="fast"): """Take exp along every ray.""" if algo == "fast": return pexp_fast(self) return pexp_map(self)
[docs] def exp(self): """The usual exponential. This method can be quite slow.""" return Invariant(self.series().exp())
[docs] def log(self): """The usual logarithm. This method can be quite slow.""" return Invariant(self.series().log())
[docs] def Psi(self): """Plethystic map Psi.""" return Psi_map(self)
[docs] def IPsi(self): """Plethystic map Psi inverse.""" return IPsi_map(self)
[docs] def pLog(self): """Take plethystic Log along every ray.""" return self.plog().IPsi()
[docs] def pExp(self): """Take plethystic Exp along every ray.""" return self.Psi().pexp()
[docs] def Exp(self): """Take plethystic Exp.""" return Invariant(self.series().Exp())
[docs] def Log(self): """Take plethystic Log.""" return Invariant(self.series().Log())
# Useful maps between invariants
[docs]def log_map(I, d=None): """Usual log.""" if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: log_map(I, d), I) def F(l): return QQ((-1)**(len(l)-1)/len(l)) val = 0 for l in OrderedMultiPartitions_iterator(d): val += F(l) * prod(I(a) for a in l) return val
[docs]def exp_map(I, d=None): """Usual exp.""" if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: exp_map(I, d), I) def F(l): return QQ(1/factorial(len(l))) val = 0 for l in OrderedMultiPartitions_iterator(d): val += F(l) * prod(I(a) for a in l) return val
[docs]def plog_map(I, d=None): """log along every ray.""" # Note that log_transform() gives the same map, but plog_map is faster if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: plog_map(I, d), I) if vec.iszero(d): return 0 d = array(d) n = gcd(d) d0 = d//n I1 = Invariant(lambda k: I(k[0]*d0)) return log_map(I1, d=[n])
[docs]def pexp_map(I, d=None): """exp along every ray.""" # Note that exp_transform() gives the same map, but pexp_map is faster if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: pexp_map(I, d), I) if vec.iszero(d): return 1 d = array(d) n = gcd(d) d0 = d//n I1 = Invariant(lambda k: I(k[0]*d0)) return exp_map(I1, d=[n])
[docs]def Psi_map(I, d=None): """Plethystic Psi.""" if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: Psi_map(I, d), I) if vec.iszero(d): return 0 n = gcd(d) val = 0 for k in divisors(n): c = I([i//k for i in d]) if c != 0: val += c.adams(k)/k return val
[docs]def IPsi_map(I, d=None): """Plethsytic Psi inverse.""" if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: IPsi_map(I, d), I) if vec.iszero(d): return 0 n = gcd(d) val = 0 for k in divisors(n): c = I([i//k for i in d]) if c != 0: val += moebius(k) * c.adams(k)/k return val
[docs]def rat2int_num(I, d=None): if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: rat2int_num(I, d), I) if vec.iszero(d): return 0 n = gcd(d) val = 0 for k in divisors(n): c = I([i//k for i in d]) if c != 0: val += moebius(k) * c/(k*k) return val
[docs]def int2rat_num(I, d=None): if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: int2rat_num(I, d), I) if vec.iszero(d): return 0 n = gcd(d) val = 0 for k in divisors(n): c = I([i//k for i in d]) if c != 0: val += c/(k*k) return val
[docs]def recursive_inversion(T): """Invert the transformation (map on invariants) T, assuming that T(I)(d) is a sum of I(d) and some expression that depends just on I(e) with e<d. Note that exp and log are not of this form for d=0. """ def T1(I): """The inverse of T""" def f(d): """The required invariant J=T1(I) such that I=T(J)""" def f1(e): # the fake J if vec.equal(d, e): return 0 return J(e) J1 = Invariant(f1, I) return I(d)-T(J1)(d) J = Invariant(f, I) return J return T1
[docs]class Transform: """ A class to transform invariants. Based on :arxiv:`2101.07636`. It is encoded by a map from the set of lists of vectors to rational numbers. We define actions of transforms on 1-collections (Invariant class), plethysm between transforms, inverse transfroms. INPUT: - ``F`` -- transformation map from lists of vectors to Q (or base ring). - ``twist`` -- product twist, map from sequences of vectors to the base ring. """ def __init__(self, F, twist=None): self.F = F if twist is None: self.twist = lambda l: 1 else: self.twist = twist def __call__(self, I, d=None): if isinstance(I, Invariant): return self.action(I, d) if isinstance(I, Transform): return self.plethysm(I, d) return self.value(I) @cache def value(self, l): return self.F(l)
[docs] def action(self, I, d=None): """Action of the transformation on an invariant ``I``.""" if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: self.action(I, d), I) val = 0 for l in OrderedMultiPartitions_iterator(d): val += self.F(l) * self.twist(l) * prod(I(a) for a in l) return val
[docs] def plethysm(self, T, l=None): """ Plethysm of self and T. """ if l is None: return Transform(lambda l: self.plethysm(T, l)) val = 0 for part in ListPartitions_iterator(l): l1 = [vec.add(p) for p in part] val += self(l1) * prod(T(p) for p in part) return val
@cache def inverse(self, l=None): """Inverse transformation.""" if l is None: return Transform(lambda l: self.inverse(l)) if len(l) == 1: return 1 # if not isinstance(l, np.ndarray): # l = array(l) val = 0 for part in ListPartitions_iterator(l): if len(part) == len(l): continue l1 = [vec.add(p) for p in part] val += self.inverse(l1) * prod(self(p) for p in part) return -val
[docs] def dict(self, d): """Dictionary of values for all lists of vectors with the sum <=d.""" def tpl(l): return tuple(tuple(x) for x in l) dct = {} for l in OrderedMultiPartitionsLE_iterator(d): c = self.value(l) if c != 0: dct[tpl(l)] = c return dct
# Useful transforms
[docs]def proportional(a, b=None): """Check if vectors a,b are proportional.""" if b is not None: a, b = array(a), array(b) return all(a*sum(b) == b*sum(a)) return all(proportional(a[0], a[i]) for i in range(1, len(a)))
[docs]def exp_transform(z=None): if z is None: def F(l): return QQ(1/factorial(len(l))) if proportional(l) else 0 else: z = Stability.check(z) def F(l): return QQ(1/factorial(len(l))) if z.equal(l) else 0 return Transform(F)
[docs]def log_transform(z=None): if z is None: def F(l): return QQ((-1)**(len(l)-1)/len(l)) if proportional(l) else 0 else: z = Stability.check(z) def F(l): return QQ((-1)**(len(l)-1)/len(l)) if z.equal(l) else 0 return Transform(F)
[docs]def reineke_sign(l, z, tot=None): """Used in :meth:`reineke_transform`.""" if tot is None: tot = vec.add(l) te = z.normalize(tot) c = 0 for i in range(len(l)-1): c += te(l[i]) if c <= 0: return 0 return (-1)**(len(l)-1)
[docs]def reineke_transform(z): """Based on :arxiv:`math/0204059` and :arxiv:`2101.07636`.""" z = Stability.check(z) return Transform(lambda l: reineke_sign(l, z))
[docs]def joyce_sign(l, z, z1, tot=None): """Used in :meth:`joyce_transform`.""" if tot is None: tot = vec.add(l) v = [0]*len(tot) s = 1 for i in range(len(l)-1): v = vec.add(v, l[i]) c = z(l[i], l[i+1]) c1 = z1(v, tot) if c <= 0 and c1 > 0: s = -s elif c > 0 and c1 <= 0: pass else: return 0 return s
[docs]def joyce_transform(z, z1): """Based on :arxiv:`math/0410268` and :arxiv:`2101.07636`.""" z = Stability.check(z) z1 = Stability.check(z1) return Transform(lambda l: joyce_sign(l, z, z1))
[docs]def HN_transform(z): """See :arxiv:`2101.07636`.""" z = Stability.check(z) z1 = Stability.trivial(z.dim()) return joyce_transform(z, z1)
[docs]def indivisible(d): """Return True if ``d`` is an indivisible vector.""" d = array(d) n = gcd(d) return d//n
[docs]def plog_fast(I): """ Return the logarithm taken separately along each ray. We construct a dictionary of such logarithms with keys parametrized by indivisible vectors. The logarithm is taken in the ring of truncated polynomials. Therefore I.R and its precision vector are required. """ dct = {} def f(d): if vec.iszero(d): return 0 n = gcd(d) d0 = tuple(i//n for i in d) if d0 in dct: return dct[d0].coeff(d) prec = I.get_prec() m = min(prec[i]//d0[i] for i in range(len(d0)) if d0[i] != 0) dct1 = {} for k in range(0, m+1): d1 = tuple(k*i for i in d0) c = I(d1) if c != 0: dct1[d1] = c f1 = I.R(dct1).log() dct[d0] = f1 return f1.coeff(d) return Invariant(f, I)
[docs]def pexp_fast(I): """See :meth:`plog_fast`.""" dct = {} def f(d): if vec.iszero(d): return 1 n = gcd(d) d0 = tuple(i//n for i in d) if d0 in dct: return dct[d0].coeff(d) prec = I.get_prec() m = min(prec[i]//d0[i] for i in range(len(d0)) if d0[i] != 0) dct1 = {} for k in range(1, m+1): d1 = tuple(k*i for i in d0) c = I(d1) if c != 0: dct1[d1] = c f1 = I.R(dct1).exp() dct[d0] = f1 return f1.coeff(d) return Invariant(f, I)