Source code for msinvar.indecomposable

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#  Copyright (C) 2021 Sergey Mozgovoy <>
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from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from msinvar.iterators import MultiPartitionsLE_iterator
from msinvar.utils import vec, phi
from msinvar.invariants import Invariant

[docs]def hua_formula(Q): """ Count the number of (absolutely) indecomposable representations of the quiver Q. We apply the Hua formula as described in :arxiv:`math/0608321`. EXAMPLES:: sage: from msinvar.quivers import Quiver sage: from msinvar.indecomposable import hua_formula sage: Q=Quiver('1-2') # quiver of type A2 sage: Q.prec([3,3]) sage: hua_formula(Q).dict() {(0, 1): 1, (1, 0): 1, (1, 1): 1} sage: Q=Quiver('1-1') # Jordan quiver sage: Q.prec([3]) sage: hua_formula(Q).dict() # we use q=y^2 {(1,): y^2, (2,): y^2, (3,): y^2} """ q = Q.y**2 dct = hua_formula_dict(Q, q, Q.prec()) return Invariant(Q.R(dct).Log()*(q-1))
[docs]def hua_formula_dict(Q, q, bound): """Auxiliary method.""" z = tuple([0]*len(bound)) dct = {z: 1} for l in MultiPartitionsLE_iterator(bound): d = tuple(vec.add(l)) p = sum(Q.eform(a, a) for a in l) l = l+[z] s = q**(-p)/prod(phi(1/q, vec.sub(l[k], l[k+1])) for k in range(len(l)-1)) if d not in dct: dct[d] = 0 dct[d] += s return dct