Source code for msinvar.flow_trees

This module implements 
attractor tree formula (see :arxiv:`1910.03098` and :arxiv:`2101.07636`)
and flow tree formula (see :arxiv:`1804.06928` and :arxiv:`2102.11200`).


    sage: from msinvar import *
    sage: Q=KroneckerQuiver(2, prec=[2,2])
    sage: z=Stability([1,0])
    sage: OmbAtt=Q.ratAtt_default() #rational attractor invariant
    sage: OmbAtt.dict()
    {(0, 1): 1, (0, 2): (-y)/(-2*y^2 - 2), (1, 0): 1, (2, 0): (-y)/(-2*y^2 - 2)}

First we apply attractor tree formula to find rational DT invariants for the
above stability z::

    sage: Omb1=attr_tree_formula(Q, z, OmbAtt)
    sage: Omb1.simp().dict()
    {(0, 1): 1,
     (0, 2): 1/2*y/(y^2 + 1),
     (1, 0): 1,
     (1, 1): (-y^2 - 1)/y,
     (1, 2): 1,
     (2, 0): 1/2*y/(y^2 + 1),
     (2, 1): 1,
     (2, 2): (-1/2*y^4 - 1/2)/(y^3 + y)}
Next we apply flow tree formula::
    sage: Omb2=flow_tree_formula(Q, z, OmbAtt)
    sage: Omb2.simp().dict()
    {(0, 1): 1,
     (0, 2): 1/2*y/(y^2 + 1),
     (1, 0): 1,
     (1, 1): (-y^2 - 1)/y,
     (1, 2): 1,
     (2, 0): 1/2*y/(y^2 + 1),
     (2, 1): 1,
     (2, 2): (-1/2*y^4 - 1/2)/(y^3 + y)}
Finally, we apply the wall-crossing formula to determine the same invariant
from the total invariant (stacky invariant for the trivial stability)::    
    sage: Omb3=Q.rat_from_total(z,
    sage: Omb3.dict()
    {(0, 1): 1,
     (0, 2): 1/2*y/(y^2 + 1),
     (1, 0): 1,
     (1, 1): (-y^2 - 1)/y,
     (1, 2): 1,
     (2, 0): 1/2*y/(y^2 + 1),
     (2, 1): 1,
     (2, 2): (-1/2*y^4 - 1/2)/(y^3 + y)}

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from sage.misc.misc_c import prod
from sage.functions.other import factorial
from sage.combinat.permutation import Permutations
from sage.misc.prandom import random
from sage.rings.rational_field import QQ
from msinvar.utils import vec
from msinvar.invariants import Transform, Invariant
from msinvar.iterators import UnorderedMultiPartitions_iterator
from msinvar.stability import Stability

[docs]def attr_tree_formula(W, z, I, t=0): r"""Attractor tree formula, conjectured in :arxiv:`1910.03098` and proved in :arxiv:`2101.07636`. - ``W`` -- wall-crossing structure :class:`WCS`. - ``z`` -- stability parameter. - ``I`` -- rational attractor invariant `\bar\Omega_*`. - ``t`` -- rational number. """ T = attr_tree_transform(W, z, t) T.twist = W.twist I1 = Invariant(lambda d: I(d)/, W) I2 = T(I1) return Invariant(lambda d: simp(I2(d)*, W)
[docs]def attr_tree_transform(W, z, t=0): z = Stability.check(z) Tz = transform_g(z, t) Tstar = transform_g(W.sform, t) return Tz.plethysm(Tstar.inverse())
[docs]def transform_g(f, t=0): """Auxiliary transform (collection) g from :arxiv:`2101.07636`.""" def F(l): if len(l) == 1: return 1 tot = vec.add(l) v = [0]*len(tot) n1 = 0 n0 = 0 for i in range(len(l)-1): v = vec.add(v, l[i]) c = f(v, tot) if t == 0 and c < 0: return 0 if t == 1 and c > 0: return 0 if c > 0: n1 += 1 elif c == 0: n0 += 1 nm = len(l)-1-n1-n0 return QQ(t**nm*(t-1)**n1*(t**(n0+1)-(t-1)**(n0+1))/(n0+1)) return Transform(F)
[docs]def flow_tree_formula(W, z, I, d=None, quant=True): r"""Flow tree formula, conjectured in :arxiv:`1804.06928` and proved in :arxiv:`2102.11200`. We use its modification from :arxiv:`2101.07636`. - ``W`` -- wall-crossing structure :class:`WCS`. - ``z`` -- stability parameter. - ``I`` -- rational attractor invariant `\bar\Omega_*`. - ``quant`` -- quantized or not. """ z = Stability.check(z) if max(abs(i) for i in z.a) < 1e-3: raise ValueError("Stability coordinates are too small") if d is None: return Invariant(lambda d: flow_tree_formula(W, z, I, d, quant), W) if return 0 if quant: def kp(m): y = W.y return QQ((-1)**(m-1))*(1/y**m-y**m)/(1/y-y) else: def kp(m): return QQ((-1)**(m-1)*m) def mult_factorial(l): m = {} for i in l: i = tuple(i) if not i in m: m[i] = 0 m[i] += 1 return prod(factorial(i) for i in m.values()) def rand1(c): return random()*1e-3 if c == 0 else c*(1+random()*1e-3) te = z.normalize(d) A = 0 for l in UnorderedMultiPartitions_iterator(d): M = [[W.sform(i, j) for j in l] for i in l] te1 = [rand1(te(i)) for i in l] te1[0] -= sum(te1) s = 0 for p in Permutations(len(l)): p1 = [i-1 for i in p] s += permIndex(p1, te1, M, kp) A += s*prod(I(e) for e in l)/mult_factorial(l) return simp(A)
[docs]def permIndex(l, te, M, kp): """Permutation index used in the flow tree formula.""" def sform1(M, l1, l2): return sum(M[i][j] for i in l1 for j in l2) def slope1(te, l): return sum(te[i] for i in l) if len(l) == 1: return 1 F = 0 for i in range(1, len(l)): l1 = l[:i] l2 = l[i:] m = sform1(M, l1, l2) c = slope1(te, l1) if m <= 0 or c >= 0: continue te1 = [x-c/m*sform1(M, [j], l) for j, x in enumerate(te)] F += kp(m)*permIndex(l1, te1, M, kp)*permIndex(l2, te1, M, kp) return F
[docs]def simp(f): if f == 0: return f try: return f.parent(f.factor().expand()) except: return f