Source code for msinvar.higgs_bundles

Motivic classes of the moduli spaces of twisted Higgs bundles

For more details see :arxiv:`1104.5698` and :arxiv:`1901.02439`.

    sage: from msinvar.higgs_bundles import CurveAlgebra
    sage: from msinvar.higgs_bundles import twisted_higgs_bundles_invariant as invar
    sage: C=CurveAlgebra(g=2)
    sage: invar(C,l=2,r=2).factor()
    (y - 1)^4 * y^10 * (y^2 + 1) * (y^4 - 4*y + 2)

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from sage.combinat.partition import Partitions
from msinvar.tm_polynomials import TMPoly
from msinvar.rings import RationalFunctionField

[docs]class CurveAlgebra(RationalFunctionField): """ The algebra where zeta function of a curve lives. For simplicity we define the algebra to be Q(y,t) or Q(u,v,t). In the first case the zeta function is (1-y*t)^(2*g)/(1-t)/(1-y^2*t) """ def __init__(self, g=0, vars='y'): self.g = g # genus vars = vars+',t' super().__init__(vars) if self.ngens() > 3 or self.ngens() < 2: raise ValueError("Wrong number of variables") self.u = self.gen(0) n = self.ngens() self.t = self.gen(n-1) self.v = self.gen(n-2) self.q = self.u*self.v
[docs] def zeta(self, **kw): """Zeta function of a curve. It has the form (1-y*t)^(2*g)/(1-t)/(1-y^2*t).""" u, v, t, g = self.u, self.v, self.t, self.g z = (1-u*t)**g * (1-v*t)**g / (1-t) / (1-u*v*t) if len(kw) == 0: return z return z(**kw)
[docs] def H(self, part, p): """ Compute the function H from :arxiv:`1104.5698` (7). """ t, g, Z = self.t, self.g, self.zeta q = self.u * self.v s = 1 for i, j in part.cells(): a = part.arm_length(i, j) l = part.leg_length(i, j) h = a+l+1 s = s*(-t**(a-l)*q**a)**p*t**((1-g)*(2*l+1))*Z(t=t**h*q**a) return s
[docs]def twisted_higgs_bundles_invariant(C, l, r): """ Invariants of the moduli space of ``l``-twisted rank ``r`` Higgs bundles over a curve ``C``. Expected dimension of the moduli space is 1+l*r^2. For l=2g-2 it is 2+l*r^2. The final power twist is given by :arxiv:`1901.02439` (6). """ u, v, t, g = C.u, C.v, C.t, C.g p = l-(2*g-2) R = TMPoly(C, 1, 'T', prec=r) T = R.gen() F = 0 for i in range(r+1): for part in Partitions(i): F += C.H(part, p)*T**i H = F.Log().coeff([r])*(1-t)*(1-u*v*t) M = H(t=1)*(-1)**(p*r)*(u*v)**((g-1)*r**2+p*r*(r+1)/2) if p == 0: return M*u*v # the dimension of the moduli space increases by 1 for p=0 return M